Sunday, 28 March 2010

Shooting Schedule

DATE: 23/03/10
LOCATION: Public footpath entering the woods, running along Oliver Road.
TIME: We decided to film from 12.20pm right the way through lunchtime and continued through our two hour Media Studies lesson in periods four and five and finished filming around 3.45pm.
SCENE FILMED: The victim being followed by the stalker
SHOTS: ‘Over the shoulder’, we filmed from behind trees and jolted the camera. For this effect we did not use the tripod and instead handheld the camera. The point of this was to create the effect that someone was watching the girl as she walked on her way to school. We featured one scene when the girl was on her telephone talking to her mother; this helped us give added information without telling the story.
ACTOR: Georgia Day (as the victim)
CAMERA WORK: Maria Rostkowska and Roberta Leary
PROPS NEEDED: Smart dress and costume

DATE: 26/03/10
LOCATION: In the woods
TIME: From 9.00am until 11.30am
SCENE FILMED: The stalker continues to follow its victim, creeps up to her and stabs her. We also filmed the opening scene of the girl, dead on the woods floor.
SHOTS: Quick cuts, over the shoulder
ACTORS: Georgia Day and Roberta Leary
CAMERA WORK: Maria Rostkowska
PROPS: Make-up, paint (blood effect), black hoodie, knife, bin liners, costume

Other shots left to film:
The continuity editing- the girl is getting ready for school and her stalker is preparing to murder her. This will be filmed inside a house. We need to produce pictures of Georgia in different places and with her doing all different things. This will be an effort to make it look like the stalker has been taking these pictures and has put them all over the wall. We established this idea from the SAW films. All these films feature stalking material, and we based our ideas on this.

By Roberta Leary

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